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ete THANK YOU --{}{I{{br{}{I
}+br{}{L{I{{br{}{L{I{{br{}{L{ITreaty of Recognitio
n and Amity between the Virtual Commonwealth of Cy
beria and the Republic of Barac{eatilde{zo{{br{}{L
{I{{br{}{L{IArticle 1{{br{}{L{IThe Virtual Commonw
ealth of Cyberia and the Republic of Barac{eatilde
{zo, by mutual consent and without coercion, enter
 into this treaty.{{br{}{L{I{{br{}{L{IArticle 2{{b
r{}{L{IEach party recognises the sovereignty, virt
ual territory, and the legitimacy of the rulers an
d government of the other.{{br{}{L{I{{br{}{L{IArti
cle 3{{br{}{L{IEach party agrees to enter into pea
ceful relations with one another and refrain from 
any hostile action, either overt or covert.{{br{}
{L{I{{br{}{L{IArticle 4{{br{}{L{IEach party agrees
 to share intelligence regarding hostile actions o
f a third party against either of the nations.{{br
{}{L{I{{br{}{L{IArticle 5{{br{}{L{IEach party agre
es to allow an embassy of the opposite to be opene
d on their website. This provision shall not becom
e operative until such time as both parties operat
e an official website. In the interim, each party 
shall add the other to its EZ Boards webring in li
eu of exchanging embassies.{{br{}{L{I{{br{}{L{IArt
icle 6{{br{}{L{IEach party will support the other 
in gaining admission to micronational organisation
s.{{br{}{L{I{{br{}{L{IArticle 7{{br{}{L{IEach part
y shall post this treaty on their national website
s.{{br{}{L{I{{br{}{L{IArticle 8{{br{}{L{IThis trea
ty shall be the basis of diplomatic relations betw
een the parties and may be amended with the consen
t of both parties.{{br{}{L{I{{br{}{L{IArticle 9{{b
r{}{L{IAny deliberate breach of this treaty shall 
render it invalid.{{/body{}{{/html{}