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The Federal Laws of the VCC.
TITLE: Legal Code Bill 2000
AUTHOR: Deputy Ken Kerns

Be it enacted by the National Assembly all previously enacted laws, except those enacted between June 1st and the adoption of a LCA Modifier Bill, and the following be enacted in their place:



100.1 CODIFICATION All Federal laws are to be compiled in the Federal Code, except as otherwise provided by law.

100.2 CONTENTS The Commonwealth website must include the Constitution, the Federal Code, treaties, legislative acts, executive orders, and regulations made under a legislative act.

100.3 ACT NUMBERS Every legislative act must be numbered according to the year and order in which it is enacted.

Example: Act 2005.14 is the fourteenth act passed in 2005.

100.4 TITLE NUMBERS The Federal Code is to be arranged by subject within nine titles, each composed of a number or numerically-designated chapters, as follows:
Title I (100-199) - General
Title II (200-299) - The Executive Branch
Title III (300-399) - The Legislative Branch
Title IV (400-499) - The Judicial Branch
Title V (500-599) - Federal Agencies, Programs and Activities
Title VI (600-699) - General Statutes
Title VII (700-799) - Electoral Code
Title VIII (800-899) - Finance
Title IX (900-999) - Criminal Code

100.5 CHAPTER NUMBERS Each chapter of the Federal Code is to be numbered by a decimal arrangement carried out three decimal places.

Example: Title 2 begins with Chapter 200.

100.6 SECTION NUMBERS Each section of a chapter of the Federal Code is to be numbered by a decimal arrangement carried out to two or three decimal places. The first decimal place is to represent the section. The second decimal place is to represent the subsection. The third decimal place is to represent a paragraph.

Example: Chapter 152 beings with section 152.1 and potential subsection 152.11. If the Chapter has more than 9 sections it beings with Section 152.01.

CHAPTER 110 PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENTS (98-002, 98-006, 98-022, 98-023)

110.11 Cyberia's provinces are:
Republic of Mattimeo
Windsor Islands

110.12 Cyberia's federal districts are:
Federal District of Cyberia

110.13 Cyberia's territories are:
Terra Novum
Flotsom Island

110.2 Kernsopolis, in the Federal District, is Cyberia's capital.

110.3 Article 7 of the Constitution applies to provincial government.

110.31 A minister designated by executive order has all executive powers and functions in an unorganised province.

110.32 The President amy enact legislation in an unorganised province by executive order.

110.33 The trial division of the Supreme Court has all judicial powers and fucntions in an unorganised province.

110.34 The previous charter (however designated) of an unorganised province continues in force subject to Article 7.

110.4 Any citizen of an unorganised province may require the minister to convene a provincial convention if that province has 3 or more citizens. Once convened a provincial convention has power to propose a new charter or amendments to an existing charter to the province's electors. The Electoral Commissioner must administer the referendum to enact the charter or amendments.

110.5 The appellate division of the Supreme Court has power, on the application by the Commonwealth or any citizen of that province, to make orders amending a provincial charter so that it is consistent with Article 7.

110.6 The map of Cyberia is to be determined under Chapter 230.


111.1 Kernsopolis, being a federally sanctioned, independent city under the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia, shall be entitled to a democratically elected self government. This self-government shall have the right to pass any law that a province would be allowed to pass, unless expressly forbidden by the Constitution.

111.2 The head of the self-government shall be a Mayor. Kernsopolis shall elect its Mayor every four months, at the same time as the federal elections. His duties shall include maintenance of an official website, preside over the City and appoint local officials.

111.3 Kernsopolis shall be governed by a City Council, with the Mayor as its presiding officer. The Mayor shall not vote on an issue unless the Council is equally divided. All citizens of Kernsopolis are members of the Council and may introduce bills, unless specifically negated by federal law.

111.4 The City Council shall be entitled to develop its own rules and procedures.

111.5 The City Council of Kernsopolis may by a majority vote at any time may alter this form of Government, provided it stays within the tradition of democracy that Cyberia was founded on.


120.2 On any federal holiday within Cyberia all non-essential federal employees shall be given a paid day off.

120.3 Foundation Day shall be celebrated on July 19, to commemorate the founding of Cyberia by Ken Kerns in 1997. Foundation Day is a federal holiday.


130.1 The indigenous population of Cyberia, commonly known as the Mala'anje, are by these articles recognised as a sovereign nation in free association, bounded by the laws and constitution of the Virtual Commonwealth federal government.

130.2 The Mala'anje people collectively form the Mala'anje Nation (provincial code MAN), a single entity which encompasses eight enclaves across Cyberia which are governed by the Shofet (council) in Mala'anje City, Mala Enclave, Felicia.

130.3 The Mala'anje Nation's enclaves are dictated by the following map;

130.4 The Mala'anje Nation is comprised of eight enclaves; Mala, Jo'nl, Bek'a, Tsan, Tygros, Aireby, Lasta and East Cyberia.

130.5 The Mala'anje Nation is governed under the same rules and limitations of a province.

130.6 Cyberian citizens seeking to designate themselves as enclave residents and Mala'anje natives must register with the government under the same terms as one registers residency in a province.

130.7 Enclaves located within organised provinces are bound not only by federal laws and regulations, but by provincial ones as well, superseding Mala'anje authority, except in the Mala Enclave, whose integrity as a permanent and inviolable home for the Mala'anje is guaranteed by the federal government.

130.8 The Mala'anje government or enclaves may not impede or obstruct the business, trade, commerce or otherwise free movement of any Cyberians in or out of any part of the commonwealth.