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The Federal Laws of the VCC.

Treaty Of Amity Between
The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia & The Kingdom of Morovia

Article 1
The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia and the Kingdom of Morovia, by mutual consent and without coercion, enter into this treaty.

Article 2
Each party recognises the sovereignty, territory, and the legitimacy of the rulers and government of the other.

Article 3
Each party agrees to enter into peaceful relations with one another and refrain from any hostile action, either overt or covert.

Article 4
Each party agrees to share intelligence regarding hostile actions of a third party against either of the nations.

Article 5
Each party agrees to allow an embassy of the opposite to be opened on their website.

Article 6
Each party will support the other in gaining admission to micronational organisations.

Article 7
Each party shall post this treaty on their national websites.

Article 8
This treaty shall be the basis of diplomatic relations between the parties and may be amended with the consent of both parties.

Article 9
Any deliberate breach of this treaty shall render it invalid.

Treaty of Recognition and Amity between The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia and The Kingdom of Babkha

Article 1
The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia and the Kingdom of Babkha, by mutual consent and without coercion, enter into this treaty.

Article 2
Each party recognises the sovereignty, virtual territory, and legitimacy of the rulers and government of the other.

Article 3
Each party agrees to enter into peaceful relations with one another and refrain from any hostile action, either overt or covert.

Article 4
Each party agrees to share intelligence regarding hostile actions of a third party against either of the nations.

Article 5
Each party agrees to allow an embassy of the opposite to be opened on their website.

Article 6
Each party will support the other in gaining admission to intermicronational organisations.

Article 7
Each party shall post this treaty on their national websites.

Article 8
This treaty shall be the basis of diplomatic relations between the parties and may be amended with the consent of both parties.

Article 9
Any deliberate breach of this treaty shall render it invalid.

Treaty of Recognition and Amity between The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia and The Solomonic Empire of Attera (Treaty of Kamlshahr)
Article 1
The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia and the Solomonic Empire of Attera, by mutual consent and without coercion, enter into this treaty.

Article 2
Each party recognises the sovereignty, virtual territory, and legitimacy of the rulers and government of the other.

Article 3
Each party agrees to enter into peaceful relations with one another and refrain from any hostile action, either overt or covert.

Article 4
Each party agrees to share intelligence regarding hostile actions of a third party against either of the nations.

Article 5
Each party agrees to allow an embassy of the opposite to be opened on their website.

Article 6
Each party will support the other in gaining admission to intermicronational organisations.

Article 7
Each party shall post this treaty on their national websites.

Article 8
This treaty shall be the basis of diplomatic relations between the parties and may be amended with the consent of both parties.

Article 9
Any deliberate breach of this treaty shall render it invalid.

Treaty of Recognition and Amity between the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia and the Republic of Baracão

Article 1
The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia and the Republic of Baracão, by mutual consent and without coercion, enter into this treaty.

Article 2
Each party recognises the sovereignty, virtual territory, and the legitimacy of the rulers and government of the other.

Article 3
Each party agrees to enter into peaceful relations with one another and refrain from any hostile action, either overt or covert.

Article 4
Each party agrees to share intelligence regarding hostile actions of a third party against either of the nations.

Article 5
Each party agrees to allow an embassy of the opposite to be opened on their website. This provision shall not become operative until such time as both parties operate an official website. In the interim, each party shall add the other to its EZ Boards webring in lieu of exchanging embassies.

Article 6
Each party will support the other in gaining admission to micronational organisations.

Article 7
Each party shall post this treaty on their national websites.

Article 8
This treaty shall be the basis of diplomatic relations between the parties and may be amended with the consent of both parties.

Article 9
Any deliberate breach of this treaty shall render it invalid.

Treaty Of Amity Between The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia & The Independent Region of Mayo

Article 1
The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia and the Independent Region of Mayo, by mutual consent and without coercion, enter into this treaty.

Article 2
Each party recognises the sovereignty, territory, and the legitimacy of the rulers and government of the other.

Article 3
Each party agrees to enter into peaceful relations with one another and refrain from any hostile action, either overt or covert.

Article 4
Each party agrees to share intelligence regarding hostile actions of a third party against either of the nations.

Article 5
Each party agrees to allow an embassy of the opposite to be opened on their website.

Article 6
Each party will support the other in gaining admission to micronational organisations.

Article 7
Each party shall post this treaty on their national websites.

Article 8
This treaty shall be the basis of diplomatic relations between the parties and may be amended with the consent of both parties.

Article 9
Any deliberate breach of this treaty shall render it invalid.



Maintaining that as micronations, their goal and desire is not merely to simulate a nation and a state but to themselves attain the attributes and characteristics of nationhood and statehood outside of any sovereign territory,

Conscious of the difficulty faced in striving to achieve these goals and desires, and of the parallel struggles of each other,

Convinced that mutual aid and cooperation, the foundation of international standards and a united representative voice to the outside world will protect and further these goals and aims,

Resolved to abide by this Charter in the spirit of a brotherhood and community of micronations,

Have agreed upon the following




Article 1

The states represented at the Raspur Conference, Babkha, 2003 establish by this Charter an organisation to promote their solidarity, mutual aid and cooperation, and to defend their sovereignty and independence.

The Raspur Micronational Community has no powers other than those conferred upon it by this Charter, none of whose provisions authorize it to intervene in matters that are within the internal jurisdiction of the Member States.

Article 2

The Raspur Micronational Community, in accordance with the spirit of micronationalism and this Charter, shall uphold the following principles, which shall be held above any other part of this Charter:

a) That micronations are not separate from the world of fact, and should be ordered and operated in a manner that reflects this reality;

b) That international order between micronational states is necessary to promote the growth and coherence of the micronational phenomenon;

c) That this international order is based on good will between micronations, and consists of respect for the personality, sovereignty and independence of micronational states, and the faithful fulfilment of obligations derived from treaties and other sources of international law;

d) That every micronational state has the right to choose, without external interference, its political, economic, and social system and to organize itself in the way best suited to it, and has the duty to abstain from intervening in the affairs of another micronational state;

e) That the Member States condemn vandalism and aggressive or retaliatory action in the name of a micronation, or under the auspices of a micronational state, and that controversies arising between Member States shall be settled by peaceful procedures; and

f) That the Member States have a duty to refrain from any action that may result in bringing micronationalism or the Community into disrepute.


Article 3

Those micronational states assembled at the Raspur Conference, Babkha, 2003 who ratify this Charter are the founding Member States of the Community.

Article 4

Any new entity that arises from the union of several Member States and that, as such, ratifies this Charter, shall become a Member of the Community. The entry of the new political entity into the Community shall result in the loss of membership of each one of the micronational states constituting it.

Article 5

Micronational states shall be permitted to ratify this Charter and become new Member States with the approval of the majority of Member States, acting on the advice of the Membership Commissioner.

Article 6

Member States may be suspended from the Community if they should fail to adhere to this Charter and the principles laid down in Article 2, by a majority vote of the Member States acting on the advice of the Membership Commissioner. Suspension may be lifted by a majority vote of the Member States.


Article 7

Member States shall have a duty to provide all possible aid to Member States whose rights or structural integrity are threatened or damaged by attack from external forces, but no Member State shall retaliate with the use of force. Other methods of rebuke towards aggressive external forces, such as sanctions, shall be administered by the Community as a whole and not by individual Member States.

Article 8

Member States shall freely share amongst each other any information pertaining to threats to a Member State's national security.


Article 9

1. The Community shall establish a common economic framework for those Member States which wish to adopt the framework. The common economic framework shall be governed by a Protocol to this Charter.

2. The Community shall constitute an area of freedom, security and justice with respect for fundamental rights, taking into account the different legal traditions and systems of the Member States.

3. The Community shall endeavour to ensure a high level of security by measures to prevent and combat crime and terrorism and by measures for coordination and cooperation between courts, police and other competent authorities, as well as by the mutual recognition of judgments in criminal matters and, if necessary, the harmonisation of criminal laws.

5. The Community shall facilitate access to justice, in particular by the principle of mutual recognition of judicial and extrajudicial decisions in civil matters.

6. The Congress shall, by legislation on the proposal of the Council, establish an Economic, Social and Cultural Council to assist the organs of the Community.

7. The Community shall by way of The Economic, Social and Cultural Council, have the right to authorize a common arena for joint efforts on Economic, Social and Cultural issues.

Article 10

Member States pledge to pursue an integrated international economic system that will allow the peoples of the Member States to trade amongst each other without technical limitations.

Article 11

Member States shall not impose any tax on the import and export of goods and services between each other.

(i) The control of an individual member state's currency and economic systems shall be the sole power of that member state.



Article 12

The Council

1. The Council shall consist of the Heads of State or Government of the Member States, or their duly accredited representatives.

2. The Council shall be the supreme organ of the Community.

3. The Council shall be a continuous body.

4. The number of votes exercisable in the Council by each Member State is the square root (rounded to the nearest whole number) of the number of citizens of that State.

5. The Council shall take its decisions by consensus or, failing which, by 62% of the votes exercisable.

6. Members States who hold 62% of the votes exercisable shall form a quorum at any meeting of the Council.

7. The Council shall adopt its own Rules of Procedure.

Article 13

Powers and Functions of the Council

1. The functions of the Council shall be to:

(a) determine the common policies of the Community;
(b) receive, consider and take decisions on reports and recommendations from the other organs of the Community;
(c) consider requests for Membership of the Community;
(d) establish any organ of the Community;
(e) monitor the implementation of policies and decisions of the Community as well ensure compliance by all Member States;
(f) adopt the budget of the Community;
(g) direct the management of conflicts, war and other emergency situations and the restoration of peace;
(h) propose the appointment or removal of the judges of the Court of Justice to the Congress;
(g) perform any other function prescribed by this Charter.

Article 14

The Presidency of the Council shall be held in turn by each Member State in the Council for a term of one month in the order decided by the Council acting unanimously. No Member State may hold the presidency more than once in any 12 months when the number of Member States is equal to or greater than 12.

Article 15

Activity taking place within the Council shall not be immediately available to the public. The Council shall make public transcripts of all debates within a period of eight weeks from the date of the debate.

(i) The Council shall not include any information deemed by the Council to be of a sensitive nature in any transcripts released to the public.


Article 16

The Congress

1. The Congress shall consist of delegates elected by the peoples of the Community according to the national laws and practices in each Member State.

2. The Congress shall be the legislative and deliberative organ of the Community.

3. The Congress shall be a continuous body.

4. The number of delegates to be elected to the Congress by each Member State is the square root (rounded to the nearest whole number) of the number of citizens of that State.

5. The term of a delegate shall run concurrently with the term of the national parliament or other deliberative organ of their Member State.

6. The Congress shall take its decisions by consensus or, failing which, by absolute majority of the delegates.

7. An absolute majority of the delegates shall form a quorum at any meeting of the Congress.

8. The Congress shall, jointly with the Council, enact statutes, and approve the budget of the Community, as well as exercising functions of political control and consultation as laid down in this Charter.

9. Citizens of the Community who are nationals of more than one Member State may vote only once and may be counted only once in determining votes in the Council and the Congress.

10. The Congress shall elect its President and its officers from among its members.

11. The Congress shall adopt its own Rules of Procedure.

12. The Congress, on the proposal of the Council, may by statute establish a common election date and legislative term for the Congress.


Article 17

The Court of Justice

a) A Court of Justice of the Community shall be established;

b) The statute, composition and functions of the Court of Justice shall be defined in a protocol to this Charter.

c) The Court shall have jurisdiction over all disputes and applications referred to it in accordance with this Charter and the Protocol which relate to:
(c.a) the interpretation and application of the Charter;
(c.b) the interpretation, application or validity of Community treaties and all subsidiary legal instruments adopted within the framework of the Community;
(c.c) any question of intermicronational law;
(c.d) all acts, decisions, regulations and directives of the organs of the Community;
(c.e) all matters specifically provided for in any other agreements that Member States may conclude among themselves or with the Community and which confer jurisdiction on the Court;
(c.f) the existence of any fact which, if established, would constitute a breach of an obligation owed to a Member State or to the Community;
(c.g) the nature or extent of the reparation to be made for the breach of an obligation.


Article 18

To carry out the work of applying the principles of this Charter, described in Article 2 above, the Community shall maintain the following Commissions, in addition to any others that shall be created by Directive of the Congress:

a) The Membership Commission, which shall undergo those duties prescribed to it throughout this Charter, and shall also act as an intermediary between Member States and the Council and Congress of the Community;

b) The Information Commission, which shall conduct reports on the request of the Council or Congress of the Community, compile and publish data relating to micronationalism, and promote a continued improvement in micronational information technologies, specifically web design; and

c) The Monetary Commission, which shall continually assess the economies of Member States and produce a table of recommended exchange rates between all currencies within the Community, and promote the integration of economic systems between Member States.

Article 19

The Commissions shall be awarded a budget by the Council, or by Directive of the Congress. Commissioners, to administer each Commission, shall be appointed by majority vote of the Member States.



Article 20

Admission to Membership

1. Any micronation may, at any time after the entry into force of this Charter, notify the Council of its intention to accede to this Charter and to be admitted as a member of the Community.

2. Admission shall be decided by the Council. The Council shall communicate the decision to the State concerned.

Article 21


Governments which come to power through unconstitutional means, as determined by the Court of Justice on the application of the Council or the Congress, shall not be allowed to participate in the activities of the Community.

Article 22

Imposition of Sanctions

1. No Member State may be subjected to sanctions under this Article unless the Court of Justice, on the application of the Council or the Congress, determines that the Member State is in violation of this Charter.

2. The Council shall determine the appropriate sanctions to be imposed on any Member State found to be in violation of this Charter under subsection 1. Sanctions may include denial of the right to speak at meetings, to vote, to present candidates for any position or post within the Community or to benefit from any activity or commitments of the Community or recommendation of expulsion.

3. The Congress, on the proposal of the Council, may expel a Member State from the Community.

Article 23

Cessation of Membership

1. Any State which desires to renounce its membership shall forward a written notification to the Council, who shall inform Member States thereof. At the end of one month from the date of such notification, if not withdrawn, the Charter shall cease to apply with respect to the renouncing State, which shall thereby cease to belong to the Community.

2. During the period of one month referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, any Member State wishing to withdraw from the Community shall comply with the provisions of this Charter and shall be bound to discharge its obligations under this Charter up to the date of its withdrawal.

Article 24

Amendment and Revision

1. Any Member State may submit proposals for the amendment or revision of this Charter.

2. Proposals for amendment or revision shall be submitted to the the Council who shall transmit same to Member States within one month of receipt thereof.

3. The Congress, upon the advice of the Council, shall examine these proposals within a period of one month following notification of Member States, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article;

4. Amendments or revisions shall be adopted by the Congress by consensus or, failing which, by a 75% majority and submitted for ratification by all Member States in accordance with their respective constitutional procedures. They shall enter into force one month after the deposit of the instruments of ratification with the Council by a two-thirds majority of the Member States.

Article 25

Signature, Ratification and Accession

The present Charter shall be ratified by the signatory states in accordance with their respective constitutional processes.

The ratifications shall be deposited with the Government of the Kingdom of Babkha, which shall notify all the signatory states of each deposit as well as the Council when it has been appointed.

The present Charter shall come into force upon the deposit of ratifications by two or more micronations. A schedule of the ratifications deposited shall thereupon be drawn up by the Government of the Kingdom of Babkha which shall communicate copies thereof to all the signatory states.

The states signatory to the present Charter which ratify it after it has come into force will become original Member States of the Community on the date of the deposit of their respective ratifications.

Any Protocol to this Charter shall signed and ratified in the same manner as the Charter but shall apply only to the ratifying states. A non-Member State may accede to a protocol without acceding to the Community. A Member State may withdraw from a Protocol in the same manner as they can withdraw from the Community as a whole.


1. The President is authorised to ratify the Treaty of Shirekeep, subject to a reservation that Cyberia does not recognise the title 'emperor' as used by the Emperor Jacobus as anything more than a personal title.

2. Ratification of the treaty does not alter the rule of Cyberian law that there is not, and has never been, a throne in Cyberia.

3. Subject to this Act, Schedule 1 has effect in Cyberia.

Schedule 1
Treaty of Shirekeep
The High Contracting Parties :

ANXIOUS to promote peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule or law and enhancing resilience in their relations;

CONVINCED that the settlement of differences or disputes between their countries should be regulated by rational, effective and sufficiently flexible procedures, avoiding negative attitudes which might endanger or hinder co-operation;

BELIEVING in the need for co-operation with all peace-loving micronations in the furtherance of peace, stability and harmony;

SOLEMNLY AGREE to enter into a Treaty of Resolution as follows:

Article 1
The purpose of this Treaty is to promote perpetual peace, everlasting resolution among their peoples which would contribute to their strength, solidarity and closer relationship,

Article 2
In their relations with one another, the High Contracting Parties shall be guided by the following fundamental principles :

a. Mutual respect for the independence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity and micronational identity of all micronations;

b. The right of every state to lead its micronational existence free from external interference, subversion or coercion;

c. Non-interference in the internal affairs of one another;

d. Settlement of differences or disputes by peaceful means;

e. Renunciation of the threat or use of force;

f. Effective co-operation among themselves.

Article 3
Each High Contracting Party shall not in any manner or form participate in any activity which shall constitute a threat to the political and economic stability, sovereignty, or territorial integrity of another High Contracting Party.

Article 4
The High Contracting Parties shall have the determination and good faith to prevent disputes from arising. In case disputes on matters directly affecting them should arise, especially disputes likely to disturb peace and harmony, they shall refrain from the threat or use of force and shall at all times settle such disputes among themselves through friendly negotiations.

Article 5
The Emperor Jacobus hereby renounces any alleged claim he may hold or have at any time made against any or all of the Solomonic Empire of Attera, the Kingdom of Morovia, and the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia. These mentioned micronations are sovereign powers with their own law and territory to which the emperor holds no claim or pretence of control or rights there to.

Article 6
The preceding renunciation by the Emperor Jacobus includes any claims asserted by way of subjects, committee of national salvation, alter egos, past/present/future logins and the real individual who operates the said subjects, alter egos, past/present/future logins.

Article 7
The preceding renunciation by the Emperor Jacobus includes any historic or current geographical names used by or in Cyberia. or which are capable of being confused with such names.

Article 8
Immediately this treaty enters into force the Emperor Jacobus shall

1. Formally acknowledge the existence and legitimacy of the VCC.

2. Abandon the concept of the "Restored Commonwealth of Cyberia" specifically, as well as the claim to Emperorship over said entity.

3. Turn over the passwords and usernames for the RCC website ( as well as the associated EZBoard forum to James Conway, President of Cyberia.

Article 9
The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia and the Emperor Jacobus hereby exchange full and complete apologies for anything offensive posted in the course of the dispute between them. Both High Contracting Parties avow that they will not harass each others citizens or subjects in micronational fora or make unprovoked personal attacks on each other's citizens and subjects.

Article 10
The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia undertakes to use its best efforts to ensure that all Cyberian personally observe the preceding article.

Article 11
The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia undertakes not to oppose or impede the continuing existence of those lands and jurisdictions held by the Emperor Jacobus which are not subject to the renunciation article of this treaty.

Article 12
The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia undertakes to refrain from harassing or in any other way hindering the activities of any and all micronations which either the Emperor Jacobus or the Grand Technarch Tim Dunkin may be involved.

Article 13
The Virtuasl Commonwealth of Cyberia and the Emepror Jacobus avow that they will not prosecute any citizen or subject of the other party for any conduct on or before 1 December 2004.

Article 14
The Imperial Republic of Shireroth undertakes to ensure due observance of this treaty by the Emperor Jacobus at and from any grant of protected or other associated status to the lands and jurisdictions of the Emperor Jacobus which are not subject to the renunciation article of this treaty.

Article 15
This Treaty of Shirekeep shall be signed by the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia, the Emperor Jacobus and the Imperial Republic of Shireroth. It shall be ratified in accordance with the constitutional procedures of each signatory State. Instruments of ratification shall be deposited with His Majesty the Kaiser.

Article 16
This Treaty shall enter into force on the date of the deposit of the third instrument of ratification with His Majesty the Kaiser.

The Member States of the Community:

Considering that the Charter established the Court of Justice of the Community;

Firmly convinced that the attainment of the objectives of the Community requires the establishment of the Court of Justice of the Community;


Article 1
In this Protocol unless otherwise specifically stated:
"Charter" means the Constitutive Charter of the Community;

"Council " means the Council of the Community;

"Court" means the Court of Justice of the Community;

"ECOSOCC" means the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the Community;

"Magistrate" means a magistrate of the Court;

"Member State" means a Member State of the Community;

"Presidency" means the Presidency of the Council;

"State Party" means a Member State that has ratified or acceded to this Protocol and any other States which ratifies or accedes to the protocol;

"Community" means the Community established by the Charter;

Article 2
1. The Court established by the Charter shall function in accordance with the provisions of the Charter and this Protocol.

2. The Court shall be the judicial organ of the Community.

Article 3
1. The Court shall consist of 5 Magistrates who are nationals of States Parties.

2. The Council may, when it deems it necessary, review the number of Magistrates.

3. The Magistrates shall be assisted by the necessary staff for the smooth functioning of the Court.

4. No two Magistrates shall be shall be nominees of the same State Party.

5. In the Court as a whole, the representation of the principal legal traditions of the Community shall be assured.

Article 4
The Court shall be composed of impartial and independent Magistrates elected from among persons of high moral character, who possess the necessary qualifications required in their respective countries for appointment to the highest judicial offices, or are jurists of recognised competence in international law.

Article 5
Upon entry into force of this Protocol, the Presidency shall request each State Party to submit in writing within 14 days of such a request, its nomination for the office of a Magistrate of the Court. Each State Party may nominate only 1 candidate.

Article 6
The Presidency shall prepare a list of the candidates nominated, in alphabetical order and transmit it to the Member States at least 14 days prior to the ordinary session of the Council at which the Magistrates are to be elected.

Article 8

(1) The Magistrates shall be elected for a period of 2 years and may be re-elected consecutively only once. A Magistrate elected to replace another Judge whose term of office has not expired shall hold office for the remainder of the predecessor's term.

(2) Magistrates who are elected to a partial or unexpired term of less than fifteen months may run for a third term.
(3) The five first Magistrates elected to the court shall have the following initial terms after which they shall be elected every 2 years: 2 shall have a term of six months, 1 shall have a term of 1 year, 1 shall have a term of 18 months, and 1 shall have a term of 2 years so that every six months a seat is up for election.

Article 9
1. Before taking up his or her duties each Magistrate shall in open court take the following oath:

"I ....... Do solemnly swear (or affirm or declare) that I shall faithfully exercise the duties of my office as Magistrate of the Court of Justice of the Community impartially and conscientiously, without fear or favour, affection or ill will and that I will preserve the secrecy of the deliberations of the Court."

2. The oath of office shall be administered by the Presidency or their duly authorised representative.

Article 10
The Court shall elect its Chief Magistrate for a period of 1 year. The Chief Magistrate may be re -elected once. The method of election of the Chief Magistrate and the and their functions shall be set out in the Rules of Court.

Article 11
A Magistrate may resign his or her position in writing addressed to the Chief Magistrate for transmission to the Presidency.

Article 12
In the case of death or resignation of a Magistrate, the Chief Magistrate shall immediately inform the Presidency in writing, who shall declare the seat vacant. The same procedure and consideration for the election of a Judge shall also be followed in filling vacancies.

Article 13
The independence of the Magistrates shall be fully ensured in accordance with international law. No Magistrate may participate in the decision of any case in which he or she has previously taken part as agent, counsel or advocate for one of the parties, or as a member of a national or international court, or commission of inquiry, or in any other capacity. Any doubt on this point shall be settled by decision of the Court.

Article 14
The Magistrates shall enjoy, from the time of their election and throughout their term of office, the full privileges and immunities extended to diplomatic agents in accordance with international law. The Magistrates shall be immune from legal proceedings for any act or omission committed in the discharge of their judicial functions. The Magistrates shall continue, after they have ceased to hold office, to enjoy immunity in respect of Charters performed by them when engaged in their official capacity.

Article 15
The position of a Magistrate is incompatible with any activity that might interfere with the independence or impartiality of such a judge or the demands of the office, as determined in the Rules of Court. Any doubt on this point shall be settled by the Court.

Article 16
1. The following are entitled to submit cases to the Court:

(a) States Parties to this Protocol;

(b) The Council, the Congress and other organs of the Community authorised by the Council;

(d) Third Parties under conditions to be determined by the Council and with the consent of the State Party concerned.

2. The conditions under which the Court shall be open to third parties shall, subject to the special provisions contained in treaties in force, be laid down by the Council, but in no case shall such conditions place the parties in a position of inequality before the Court.

3. The Court shall have no jurisdiction to deal with a dispute involving a Member State that has not ratified this Protocol.

Article 17
Article 17 of the Charter defines the jurisdiction of the Court. The Council may confer on the Court power to assume jurisdiction over any dispute other than those referred to in this Article.

Article 18
1. The Court, whose function is to decide in accordance with international law such disputes, as are submitted to it, shall have regard to:

(a) The Charter;

(b) International treaties whether general or particular, establishing rules expressly recognised by the contesting states;

(c) International custom, as evidence of a general practice accepted as law;

(d) The general principles of law recognised universally or by States Parties;

(e) Judicial decisions and the writings of the most highly qualified jurists of various nations as well as the regulations, directives and decisions of the Community as subsidiary means for the determination of the rules of law.

2. This provision shall not prejudice the power of the Court to decide a case ex aequo et bono, if the parties, agree thereto.


Article 19
1. Disputes shall be submitted to the Court by a written application. The subject of the dispute, the applicable law and basis of the jurisdiction shall be indicated.

2. The Court shall forthwith give notice of the application to all concerned parties.

3. The Court shall also notify all Member States, the Presidency and any third parties entitled to appear before the Court.

Article 20
1. The Court shall have the power, on its own motion or on application by the parties, to indicate, if it considers that circumstances so require any provisional measures which ought to be taken to preserve the respective rights of the parties.

2. Pending the final decision, notice of the provisional measures shall forthwith be given to the parties and to the President.

Article 21
The parties may be represented before the Court by counsel. The counsel and advocates of the parties before the Court shall enjoy the privileges and immunities necessary to the independent exercise of their duties.

Article 22
1. The procedure before the Court shall be defined by the Rules of Court.

Article 23
1. For the service of all notices upon persons other than parties, counsel, counsel and advocates, the Court shall apply direct to the government of the State upon whose territory the notice has to be served.

2. The same provision shall apply whenever steps are to be taken to procure evidence locally in the territory of the State concerned.

Article 24
The hearing in Court shall be public, unless the Court, on its own motion or upon application by the parties, decides that the public not be admitted.

Article 25
1. A record of proceedings shall be made at each hearing and shall be signed by the presiding Magistrate.

2. Such a record shall be kept by the Court and shall be the authentic record of the case.

Article 26
The Court shall have the power to regulate its own proceedings. It shall have the power to make orders for the conduct of the case before it. It shall decide the form and time in which each party must conclude its arguments, and make all arrangements connected with the taking of evidence.

Article 27
The Court may, before the hearing begins, call upon the counsel to produce any relevant document or to supply any relevant explanation. Formal note shall be taken of any refusal to produce documents or supply an explanation requested by it.

Article 28
The Court may, at any time, entrust any individual, body, bureau, commission, or other organisation that it may select, and accepted by the parties to the dispute, with the task of carrying out an enquiry or giving an expert opinion.

Article 29
After the Court has received the proofs and evidence within the time specified for the purpose, it may, unless it decides that the interests of justice so require, refuse to accept any further oral or written evidence that any party may desire to present.

Article 30
1. Whenever one of the parties does not appear before the Court, or fails to defend the case against it, the other party may call upon the Court to give its judgement.

2. The Court must before doing so, satisfy itself, not only that it has jurisdiction in accordance with the Charter and Protocol, but also that the claim is well founded in fact and in law and that the other party had due notice.

3. An objection by the party concerned may be lodged against the judgement within 30 days of it being notified of the default judgement. The objection shall not have the effect of staying the enforcement of the judgement by default

Article 31
1. When, subject to the control of the Court, the counsel and advocates have completed their submissions of the case, the Chief Magistrate shall declare the hearing closed.

2. The Court shall adjourn to consider its judgement.

3. The deliberations of the Court shall take place in private and shall remain secret at all times.

Article 32
1. All questions shall be decided by a majority of the Judges present.

2. In the event of an equality of votes, the presiding Judge shall have a casting vote.

Article 33
1. The judgement shall state the reasons on which it is based.

2. The judgement shall state the names of Magistrates who have taken part in the decision.

3. The judgement shall be signed by all the Magistrates and certified by the Chief Magistrate. It shall be posted in open session, due notice having been given to the counsel.

4. Subject to this Protocol, the judgement shall be final.

Article 34
If the judgement does not represent in whole or in part the unanimous opinion of the Magistrates, any Magistrate shall be entitled to deliver a separate or dissenting opinion.

Article 35
The judgements of the Court shall be binding on the parties and in respect of that particular case.

Article 36
1. Decisions of the Court on the interpretation and application of the Charter shall be binding on Member States and organs of the Community notwithstanding the provisions of Article 37 of this Protocol.

2. Whenever questions of interpretation of the Charter arise in a case in which States other than those concerned have expressed an interest, the Court shall notify all such States and organs of the Community forthwith.

3. Every Member State and organ of the Community so notified has the right to intervene in the proceedings.

Article 37
1. Whenever the question of interpretation of a treaty arises in a case in which States other than those concerned have expressed an interest, the Court shall notify all such States and organs of the Community forthwith.

2. Every State Party and organ of the Community so notified has the right to intervene in the proceedings and the interpretation given by the judgement will be equally binding upon it.

Article 38
In the event of any dispute as to the meaning or scope of the judgement, the Court shall construe it upon the request of any of the parties.

Article 39
1. An application for revision of a judgement may be made only when it is based upon discovery of a new charter of such nature as to be a decisive factor, which charter was, when the judgement was given, unknown to the Court and also to the party claiming revision, provided that such ignorance was not due to negligence.

2. The proceedings for revision shall be opened by a ruling of the Court expressly recording the existence of the new charter, recognising that it has such a character as to lay the case open to revision, and declaring the revision admissible on this ground.

3. The Court may require prior compliance with the terms of the judgement before it admits proceedings in revision.

4. The application for revision shall be made within six (6) weeks of the discovery of the new charter.

5. No application may be made after the lapse of two (2 years from the date of the judgement.

Article 40
1. Any Member State that has an interest of a legal nature, which may be affected by the decision in the case, may submit a request to the Court to be permitted to intervene.

2. The Court shall decide upon the request.

Article 41
Unless otherwise decided by the Court, each party shall bear its own costs.

Article 42
1. The Court may give an advisory opinion on any legal question at the request of the Council, the Congress, the ECOSOCC, or such other organs of the Community as may be authorised by the Council.

2. A request for an advisory opinion under paragraph 1 of this Article shall be in writing and shall contain an exact statement of the question upon which the opinion is required and shall be accompanied by all relevant documents.

Article 43
1. This Protocol may be amended if a State Party makes a written request to that effect to the Presidency.

2. Proposals for amendment shall be submitted to the Presidency who shall transmit same to Member States within thirty days of receipt thereof.

3. The Council and the Congress may adopt the draft amendment after the Court has given its opinion on the amendment.

Article 44
The Court shall have the power to propose such amendments to this Protocol as it may deem necessary to the Council through written communication to the Presidency for consideration in conformity with this Protocol.

Article 45
The seat of the Court shall be determined by the Council from among States Parties. However, the Court may sit in any other Member State if circumstances warrant and with the consent of the Member State concerned. The seat of the Court may be changed by the Council after due consultations with the Court.

Article 46
The official and working languages of the Court shall be those of the Community.

Article 47
The State Parties shall comply with the judgement in any dispute to which they are parties within the time stipulated by the Court and shall guarantee its execution.

Article 48
Where a party has failed to comply with a judgement, the Court may, upon application by either party, refer the matter to the Council, which may decide upon measures to be taken to give effect to the judgement. The Council may impose sanctions as provided by the Charter.

Article 49
The Court shall submit to each ordinary session of the Council, a report on its work during the previous year. The report shall specify, in particular, the cases in which a State has not complied with the Court's judgement.

Article 50
The Court shall submit its draft annual budget to the Council through the Executive Council. The budget of the Court shall be borne by the Member States.

Article 51
The Court shall frame rules for carrying out its functions and generally for giving effect to this Protocol. In particular, it shall lay down rules of procedure in conformity with this Protocol.

Article 52
1. This Protocol shall be open to signature, ratification and accession by Member States in accordance with their respective constitutional procedures.

2. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the President.

3. Any Member State acceding to this Protocol after its entry into force shall deposit the instrument of accession with the Chairperson of the Commission.

Article 53
This Protocol shall enter into force immediately on the deposit of the instruments of ratification by 2 Member States.

Treaty Of Amity Between the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia & the Imperial Republic of Shireroth

Article 1
The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia and the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, by mutual consent and without coercion, enter into this treaty.

Article 2
Each party recognises the sovereignty, virtual territory, and the legitimacy of the rulers and government of the other.

Article 3
Each party agrees to enter into peaceful relations with one another and refrain from any hostile action, either overt or covert.

Article 4
Each party agrees to share intelligence regarding hostile actions of a third party against either of the nations.

Article 5
Each party agrees to allow an embassy of the opposite to be opened on their website.

Article 6
Each party will support the other in gaining admission to micronational organisations.

Article 7
Each party shall post this treaty on their national websites.

Article 8
This treaty shall be the basis of diplomatic relations between the parties and may be amended with the consent of both parties.

Article 9
Any deliberate breach of this treaty shall render it invalid.

Sovereignty Treaty

The High Contracting Parties:

Noting the violation of the Treaty of Shirekeep by the person Jacobus:

Recalling that the person Jacobus has repeatedly unlawfully asserted sovereignty at various times over the Kingdom of Morovia, the Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia, the Solomonic Empire of Attera and other sovereign micronations:

Finding that the person Jacobus has frequently used multiple and fraudulent logins to create the illusion of popular support:

Avowing that each micronation is the common property of the people of that micronation;

Avowing that the form of government of each micronation may only be altered according to the respective constitutional processes of the High Contracting Parties

Agree as follows:

1. The High Contracting Parties shall, consistent with their domestic constitutions and laws, take such legislative, administrative and judicial measures as are necessary to permanently exclude the person jacobus from their territories and citizenship.

2. Any action carried out by the person Jacobus in any of the High Contracting Parties is hereby declared absolutely null and void and the High Contracting Parties agree not to recognise any alleged regime headed by the person Jacobus or to give him any aid or comfort.

3. Any attack (by whatever means) conducted by the person jacobus against any of the High Contracting Parties shall be treated as an attack on all of the High Contracting Parties.

4. The provisions of this Treaty and the measures required by Article 1 shall apply to any login operated by the person Jacobus despite any claim that they are separate persons or enjoy sovereign immunity.

5. The High Contracting Parties agree to exchange any and all intelligence they may hold concerning the person Jacobus.

7. Each High Contracting Party shall designate an officer of at least ministerial rank. These officers shall consult together as necessary to co-ordinate action under this treaty and may recommend further actions to the High Contracting Parties.

8. This Treaty enters into force on ratification by any two parties.

Treaty Of Mutual Recognition and Friendship Between The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia & The Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg

Article 1
The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia and the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg, by mutual consent and without coercion, enter into this treaty in the spirit of friendship and cooperation, formalizing their committment to place their relations on a closer and more solid foundation.

Article 2
Each party recognises the sovereignty, territory, and the legitimacy of the rulers and government of the other.

Article 3
Each party agrees to enter into peaceful relations and refrain from any hostile action, either overt or covert, directed against the other.

Article 4
Each party agrees to share intelligence regarding hostile actions of a third party against either of the nations.

Article 5
Each party shall respect the diplomatic envoys of each other, their diplomatic correspondence and their offices.

Article 6
Each party shall post this treaty on their national websites.

Article 7
This treaty shall be the basis of diplomatic relations between the parties and may be amended with the consent of both parties.

Article 8
Either party may withdraw from this treaty provided that seven days written notice is provided. Written notice is defined as a post on the forums of both nations by the withdrawing Head of State, ratified by whatever legislative procedures are necessary. Any deliberate breach of this treaty shall render it invalid immediately.

Treaty Of Amity Between The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia & The Republic of Talamthom

The Republic of Talamthom and Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia, by mutual consent and without coercion, enter into this treaty;

UNDERSTANDING that each party recognises the sovereignty, territory, and the legitimacy of the rulers and government of the other;

AGREEING to enter into peaceful relations with one another and refrain from any hostile action, either overt or covert;

COMMITTING to share intelligence regarding hostile actions of a third party against either of the nations;

ALLOWING for an embassy of the opposite nation to be opened on their website and ezboard ring link added;

PROMISING that each party will support the other in gaining admission to micronational organisations when the situation arises;

CONFIRMING that each party shall post this treaty publicly on their respective national legislative websites;

AGREEING that this treaty shall be the basis of diplomatic relations between the parties and may be amended with the consent of both parties;

ACCEPTING that any deliberate breach of this treaty shall render it invalid;

DECLARE that, with the signatures of both nations heads of state, this treaty of amity and understanding is formally accepted and may be seen as the start of greater closeness in relations between them.

Treaty of Recognition and Amity between The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia and The Grand Commonwealth

Article 1
The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia and the Grand Commonwealth, by mutual consent and without coercion, enter into this treaty.

Article 2
Each party recognises the sovereignty, virtual territory, and legitimacy of the rulers and government of the other.

Article 3
Each party agrees to enter into peaceful relations with one another and refrain from any hostile action towards each other, either overt or covert.

Article 4
Each party agrees to share intelligence regarding hostile actions of a third party against either of the nations.

Article 5
Each party agrees to allow an embassy of the opposite to be opened on their website.

Article 6
Each party will support the other in gaining admission to intermicronational organisations.

Article 7
Each party shall post this treaty on their national websites.

Article 8
This treaty shall be the basis of diplomatic relations between the parties and may be amended with the consent of both parties.

Article 9
Any deliberate breach of this treaty shall render it invalid.

Treaty Of Amity Between The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia & The Zatriarchate of Matbaa

Article 1
The Virtual Commonwealth of Cyberia and the Zatriarchate of Matbaa, by mutual consent and without coercion, enter into this treaty.

Article 2
Each party recognises the sovereignty, territory, and the legitimacy of the rulers and government of the other.

Article 3
Each party agrees to enter into peaceful relations with one another and refrain from any hostile action, either overt or covert.

Article 4
Each party agrees that they shall not condone hostile actions of a third party against either of the nations, and to share intelligence concerning such actions when possible.

Article 5
Each party agrees to allow an embassy of the opposite to be opened on their website.

Article 6
Each party will support the other in gaining admission to micronational organisations.

Article 7
Each party shall post this treaty on their national websites.

Article 8
This treaty shall be the basis of diplomatic relations between the parties and may be amended with the consent of both parties.

Article 9
Any deliberate breach of this treaty shall render it invalid.